Title of archive: santa claus sound effect
Latest Release: 4.04.2012
Size: 26.79 MB
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Total downloads: 8035
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time: 6.04.2012
Author: tengudi
santa claus sound effect
Santa Claus Hohoho Sound Effect, Santa Claus Hohoho Sound FX, Christmas Sounds, Christmas Sound Effects, Christmas Sound FX, Santa Claus Laughing Sound Effects, Santa.
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Santa Claus Ho Ho Ho sound effect - YouTube
Free Santa Ho Ho Ho Sound Effect - SFXsource.com - YouTubeSanta Claus Sound Effects, Santa Claus Sound FX, Santa Claus Sounds, Santa Claus FX, Santa Claus Audio, Santa Claus MP3, Santa Claus Download Sound, Santa Claus SFX. Santa Clause laughs (Ho, ho, ho), and says "Merry Christmas." Four takes.. Artist: csproductions. Sound Effects Voice Prompts and Spoken Phrases Voice Prompts.
Santa Claus Sound Effects - Sound FX Center
Santa Clause Says "Merry Christmas" | Sound Effects.CLICK HERE for MORE VIDEOS! http://www.youtube.com/jojikiba Sound: Mike Koenig http://www.sfxsource.com/free-christmas-sound-effects.cfm This is a FREE SOUND EFFECT of Santa Claus which you can download at the link above. Please give.
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